4th week training


Alhamdulillah 4 minggu internship, another 5 weeks to go. Sometimes, terasa macam cuti sem ini terisi dengan useful things even it is quiet boring and sometimes stressful. I have started to collect data for my mini research. So far, I got 3 respondents and I keep thinking whether I could achieve 30 respondents or not. I got a lot of chances to carry out RCP this week. Mostly diabetic and hypertensive patients. However, I'm delivering wrong key messages while doing RCP with hypertensive patient. Minta maaf makcik, semoga sihat-sihat selalu...saya student practical je. You know what? sometimes, orang yang berpenyakit macam diabetic patient tu lagi sihat daripada orang sihat yang tiada apa-apa penyakit if that diabetic patient could control mereka punya diet. And one more thing, don't ever think thin people never get sick. All thin people healthy. It is all wrong. I have met a thin guy with hyperlipidemia and heart disease.

I keep going to the MCH clinic or klinik kesihatan ibu & anak. Majoriti yang datang kat situ adalah pregnant mothers and children. I go there and I didn't bring along a child, so most of the patients will assume I'm pregnant,in first trimester perhaps. Nurses there are quiet familiar with me, they know aku under PZM. Ada patient tu tanya aku ' kamu mengandung ke?'. Automatically aku geleng kepala laju-laju. Aish, kalau ye aku ni mengandung anak siapa...?Scarynya. Dekat sini boleh tahan banyak juga lah kes budak bawah umur mengandung anak yang tidak sah taraf. I'm doing mini research on KZM children, aku review reten budak-budak ini termasuklah salinan surat beranak, tengok detail bapa > maklumat tidak dapat diperolehi. Faham-faham je lah. Suddenly, aku rasa bersyukur sebab dah lepas SPM even result tak la sehebat mane. At least, aku dah lepas zaman kritikal @ umur gila tu. 

p/s: minggu ni first time buat RCP atas katil...budak-budak sekolah pun musykil nak buat RCP dengan aku.


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