Today is...

Hari nie bufde rumet aku tp aku xdpt wat pape utk dye coz pagi2 buta lg aku dh kene p UiTM kmpus Puncak Alam. Ade intervarsity interaction day. Event nie utk student course nutrition n dietetic shj. At the beginning, the programme is quite dull n boring,mne xnyer students cume act as listeners....jdik pasif skjp. Then after lunch ade explorace so jdik aktif sbb kalo x nnt grup kiteorg kalah. Ckp psl kalah,grup aku mmg xdpt top 5 tp kiteorg dpt prize grup energetic.

Then ade someone dr grup yg dpt no 3 seems like they(not they actually but she) show off n arrogant."Kiteorg dpt no 3,korang top 5 pun x". Talk to my hand la.Huh!aku mmg mls nk lyan org mcm tu,wat xtaw je dh le.Tp mkn dlm kot.Cara dye ckp mcm hebat sgt la dye tu.Aku anggap mende nie suke2 je,sbb mmg sume grup akn dpt hadiah tu n sume hadiah sme je.So what?ok,mls nk ckp psl hal ni lg.Life as a student kene la enjoy,jgn le trlalu depress sbb kalo dh keje nnt dh xde mse nk enjoy,stressful ade la.

Erm,ckp psl bufde rumet aku.Hari nie dye dpt gift drpd pakwe dye,pakwe dye blajo kt France.Bahagianyer dye,bln lpas dye dpt bunga ros pakwe dye kirim melalui kwn dye kt sini.Best jadik dye,tp hopefully kalo ade org bg aku bunga(ade ke?perasan je,wat malu je...) bukanlah bunga ros sbb dye punye kelopak mudah gugur.Bgi lah bunga matahari ke bunga lily ke asalkn bukn bunga ros.Erk,I didn't mean that couple is allowed but sometimes they know n understand it but they never applied it.


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